Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Post Op Day 34

Just kill me.

I've managed to get myself a cold, because that's how I roll. I feel as sick as week 2 and I can't even sleep for relief because I CANNOT BREATHE. Can't blow my nose either, because that will cause a sinus infection. So I have to lay around with tissues in my nose and breathing out of clenched teeth with a cracking jaw and a sore throat.

And I'm starving.

I just break down crying every five minutes. I hate everything.


  1. This too shall pass. Be sure and roll the tissues into little balls so they don't tickle your face. Love you! Dad

    1. Hahaha one of the great life skills I learned from my pops

  2. Ohh, so sorry Aubrey. How totally miserable. Insult to injury. I hope this is a short cold.
