Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 13 Post Op

This ain't no glamour shoot...

I'm not sure whether to smile or not in these photos so it's juuuuuust a touch awkward but we'll all forgive it. Mostly I'm taking these pics for myself so I can see that I AM progressing and that the swelling IS going down little by little. At times I get a little short of breath thinking my face will be stuck in swollen T-Rex mode for the rest of my life, but these daily photos help me keep the superficial (superFACIAL? ha ok, not funny) panic attacks in check. You can see from the side view that my upper lip is still a swollen nasty looking botox lip which drives me crazy!!! It's a horrid ever present fear that producers from The Real Housewives of Orange County are going to show up at my door and ask me to participate. For the record, I would say no.

Today is my last day with mama :( I'm going to cry buckets when she leaves. But I feel stronger every day and even though the simple act of making lunch for myself requires a 45 minute nap on the couch afterward, I'm fairly confident that I will be okay on my own. Just bored probably. So this blog might start to get a lot of lovin'. Also I'll just put it out there...I'm writing a book. BAH! NO! Forget I even said anything!

Today ate this soup that I had made before the surgery and then froze it into ice cube trays (for easy single-serving fixin'). It's a loaded baked potato soup. I warmed up a few soup cubes, added lots of cheese and hot sauce and it was pretty tasty. Also some mango Jell-o. Does anyone care what I eat? Who knows. I think it's pretty interesting.

Headache, shoulder ache, neck ache. Numbness on my nose, cheeks, and upper lip still. My mouth is unthawing and I'm starting to realize it's like ground beef in there. Sorry for the gross visual. There are just so many stitches and chomped places and indentations from all the metal in on my teeth.

Today I wondered aloud why my lips are so cracked and terrible after 2 weeks of my rigorous and persistent moisturizing routine.  My mom said it was because they had been stretched to Timbucktoo during the surgery, which got me thinking...what exactly did they do to me during those 5 hours under anesthesia? So I did something...I did something I regret....

I Youtubed jaw surgery.


You just can't unsee that kind of stuff.


  1. YouTube pictures of furry kittens and puppies playing in a meadow. Maybe that will supplant the images in your mind. If not, perhaps you can watch a video of Hunter and Dan playing basketball and it will make the surgery look like children quietly finger painting.

  2. I have loved being your personal assistant, nurse and calorie counter Aubs! I will have to call you everyday cause I know you are going to miss me saying... "You need more calories. Eat! Eat!" keep up the positive attitude, accept help and visits from others and get that needed nutrition everyday. You"ll soon be Dancing up a storm. Thank Hunter everyday for all the great care and attention he gives you! Love, mom

  3. haha I will make sure not to youtube jaw surgery. After Leah I Googled all kinds of things to see pictures and I couldn't stop!

  4. OK, I have to look up jaw surgery on YouTube now. I just can't not do it - and when I wake up from the nightmares I'm going to text you because it will all be your fault:)

    Plus, I didn't know they made mango jello. I'm kind of going through a mango (good, fresh, off the tree kind) withdrawal. The ones as Costco just aren't the same. But I will have to buy my some jello now.

    And I'll enjoy it while watching gross YouTube videos, wake up from nightmares, and text you to complain. And then maybe eat some more jello.

    Love you Aubs!

    Aunt Lisa
