Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 12 Post Op

Almost two weeks peeps! I am almost 1/3 done! It's a miracle.

We went to the Dr. today for a check-up. He said everything looks great, no infection (which I had a minor paranoia breakdown about a few days ago when my lip puffed up suddenly), and I'm healing nicely. Then he took an x-ray and we found something interesting...

Besides all the screws in my bottom jaw and plates in the upper jaw, can you spot something funny? Here, take a closer look....

What in the blazes is THAT? 

Dr. Wyatt is all, "hmmm...looks like...a did that get there?" ...You tell me Dr. Wyatt. After Dr. Wyatt studies it a moment my mom is all like "...did you leave a wire in there?" She was joking, but he was not when he responded "yeah looks like we did. Hm. Let's keep an eye on that." After he felt around my face for a moment he shrugged and informed me that it wasn't a big deal and I'll be fine just like all those other people that get blown up in war zones and walk around with shrapnel in their face. They're fine, and so am I.

So anyway whatever. Battle scars I suppose.

Swelling down more, hooray! I still look like a T-rex with a big frightening lower jowl, but my face is starting to look like my face again. Only uncrooked. Truth be told, I had kind of grown to love my big ole wonky jaw, it was part of my aubness. But it caused me pain so it had to go. Ain't nobody got time for that.

The food situation has gotten better because we've  stumbled upon some palatable things....KFC mashed potatoes, lots of gravy and thinned out with some milk mmmm. Also, pintos and cheese from Taco Bell. We added milk and a ton of hot sauce and extra cheese, then syringed it straight into the belly. So spicy and good. Then yesterday my mom made beef stew and blended it up real good, thinned it with milk, and I syringed it down. Delicious. It just feels good to have hot savory food in my belly because I'm so sick of anything sweet and especially anything chocolate flavored. All the time I feel starving. ALL THE TIME. No matter if I just ate 3 minutes ago. I think it's because it takes so little time to digest food that is already liquified. OH! Another delicious thing is jell-o stuffed into my syringe because its actually the one food that maintains it's texture. It feels like I'm shooting jell-o cannon balls into my mouth and they explode through my teeth.

The first thing everyone says when I tell them about my surgery, without fail, is "oh my heavens you're going to lose so much weight!" Like first of all, thanks for that because are you saying I have so much weight to lose? (Just kidding I'm not offended I just love being snarky on my blog). And second of all, just no. I'm getting tons of calories through Ensure and other things because my body NEEDS the calories to recover properly. So I want to put everyone's hearts to rest and know that I'm not going to skeletonize. I know it defies the logic of being put on a 6 week liquid diet, but, it is what it is.

Here is a pic of me eating the delicious beef stew. I have an angry face because I'm tired of the syringe.

Here is my mom trying to blenderize Pad Thai. This was a massive FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! I'll never be able to eat Pad Thai again. It tasted like peanut glop vom.

Thanks everyone for checking in! Doing good, I'm so so blessed to have such a great recovery. The muscle spasms and headaches continue, but they are so little compared to all the other pains that could be happening after such an invasive surgery.

Check back soon for more adventures in the land of syringe meals and swollen jowls. xoxo


  1. Hi Aubrey: Seriously, I can't believe how much you look like your gorgeous self not even two weeks after this surgery. I was unrecognizable for months. So thrilled everything looked good at your check up today (other than the rogue wire!)

  2. That wire is actually an NSA antenna so they can record everything you say in addition to what you are posting on this blog. Oops. Now they know that I am on to them. Looks like jaw surgery may be in my future! Seriously, you have the best (and most beautiful) caretaker in the world so I'm not surprised that you are healing quickly. Hunter - this is not you in case you are getting any ideas. Love you and pray for you daily.

  3. Can I laugh at the wire? That is so funny!
    I'm glad you're getting yummy warm food now :)
